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At the Last Supper the entire heaven was transplanted to the Cenacle of Jerusalem; for of such great importance was the magnificence of this work, by which the new Church was founded, the law of grace established and eternal salvation made secure.
For a better understanding of the doings of the incarnate Word, I must remind the reader, that He possessed two natures in one Person, the Divine and the human nature united in one Divine Person of the Word; hence the proper activities of both natures are rightly attributed to one and the same Person, just as the same Person is called both God and man. Consequently, when I say that the Incarnate Work spoke and prayed to the eternal Father, it must not be interpreted as meaning, that He prayed or spoke in as far as He was Divine, since in Divinity He was equal to the Father; but in as far as He was human, inferior and composed of body and soul as we ourselves are.
This prayer Christ our Redeemer made in the presence of the Apostles, but without any exterior manifestation. The most Blessed Mother, who from Her retreat observed and followed Him, prostrated Herself upon the floor and, as His Mother, offered to the eternal Father the same petitions as her Son.
"My Father and eternal God, I confess, praise and exalt Thy infinite essence and incomprehensible Deity, in which I am one with Thee and the Holy Ghost, engendered from all eternity by Thy intellect, as the figure of Thy substance and the image of Thy individual nature (John 10, 30; Ps. 119, 3; Heb. 1, 3). In the same nature, which I have assumed in the virginal womb of My Mother, I wish to accomplish the Redemption of the human race with which Thou hast charged Me."
"I wish to restore to this human nature the highest perfection and the plenitude of Thy Divine complaisance; and then I wish to pass from this world to Thy right hand, bearing with Me all those whom Thou hast given Me without losing a single one of them, for want of willingness on Our part to help them (John 17, 12)."
"My delight is to be with the children of men (Prov. 8, 31) and as, in My absence, they will be left orphans, if I do not give them assistance, I wish, My Father, to furnish them with a sure and unfailing token of My inextinguishable love and a pledge of the eternal rewards, which Thou holdest in reserve for them."
"I desire that they find in My merits an easy and powerful remedy for the effects of sin, to which they are subject on account of the disobedience of the first man, and I wish to restore copiously their right to the eternal happiness for which they are created."
"But since there will be few who will preserve themselves in this justice, they will need other assistance, so that they may reinstate themselves and strengthen themselves in the way of justification and sanctification by being continually furnished with new and exalted gifts and favors of Thy clemency in their dangerous pilgrimage through life."
"It was Our eternal decree, that they should have created existence and participate in Our Divine perfections and happiness for all eternity; and Thy love, which caused Me to assume a nature able to suffer and welcome the humiliation of the cross (Philip 2, 8), would not rest satisfied, until it invented new means of communicating itself to men according to their capacity and Our wisdom and power."
"These means shall consist in visible and sensible signs adapted to their condition as sentient beings and causing invisible effects in the spiritual and immaterial part of their natures. To advance these high ends for Thy exaltation and glory, eternal Lord and Father, in My name and in that of all the poor and afflicted children of Adam, I ask the fiat of Thy eternal will. If their sins call out for Thy justice, their neediness and misery appeal to Thy infinite mercy. At the same time I, on My part, interpose all the works of My humanity, which is indissolubly bound to My Divinity."
"I offer my obedience in accepting suffering unto death; My humility, in subjecting Myself to the depraved judgment of men; the poverty and labors of My life, the insults of My Passion and Death, and the love, which urges Me to undergo all this for the advance of Thy glory and for the spreading of Thy knowledge and adoration among all creatures capable of Thy grace and happiness."
"Thou, O eternal Lord and My Father, hast made Me the Brother and the Chief of men, and hast destined them to partake eternally of the joys of our Divinity (Colos. 1, 18). As Thy children, they are to be heirs with Me of Thy everlasting blessings (Rom. 8, 17), and as members of My body, they are to participate in the effects of My brotherly love (I Cor. 6,15)."
"Therefore, as far as depends upon Me, I desire to draw them on toward My friendship and to see them share in the goods of the Divinity, to which they were destined in their origin from their natural head, the first man."
"Impelled by this boundless love, Lord and Father, I ordain, that from now on men may reenter into Thy full friendship and grace through the sacrament of Baptism, and that they may do so as soon as they shall be born to daylight; and their desire of renascence into grace, which they cannot in their infancy manifest on their own account, shall, with Thy permission, be manifested for them by their elders."
"Let them become immediate heirs of Thy glory; let them be interiorly and indelibly marked as children of My Church; let them be freed from the stain of original sin; let them receive the gifts of faith, hope and charity, by which they may perform the works of Thy children: knowing Thee, trusting in Thee, and loving Thee for Thy own Self.
Let them also receive the virtues by which they restrain and govern disorderly inclinations and be able to distinguish, without fail, the good from the evil. Let this Sacrament be the portal of My Church, and the one which makes men capable of receiving all the other favors and disposes them to new gifts and blessings of grace."
"I ordain also, that besides this Sacrament, they may receive another, in which they shall be confirmed and rooted in the holy faith they have accepted, and become courageous in its defense as soon as they shall arrive at the use of reason."
"And because human frailty easily falls away from the observance of My law and since My charity will not permit me to leave them without an easy and opportune remedy, I wish to provide the Sacrament of Penance. Through it men, by acknowledging their faults and confessing them with sorrow, may be reinstated in justice and in the merits of glory promised to them. Thus shall Lucifer and his followers be prevented from boasting of having so soon deprived them of advantages of Baptism."
"By the justification of these Sacraments men shall become fit to share in the highest token of My love in the exile of this their mortal life; namely, to receive Me sacramentally under the species of bread and wine in an ineffable manner. Under the species of bread I shall leave My body, and under the species of wine, My blood. In each one of them I shall be present really and truly and I institute this mysterious Sacrament of the Eucharist as a heavenly nourishment proportioned to their condition as wayfaring men; for their sake shall I work these miracles and remain with them until the end of the coming ages." (Matth. 28, 20).
"For the strengthening and defense of those, who approach the end of their lives, I moreover appoint the Sacrament of Extreme Unction, which shall at the same time be a certain pledge of the bodily resurrection of those thus anointed."
"In order that all may contribute proportionately to the sanctification of the members of the mystical body of the Church, in which by the most harmonious and orderly cooperation all must have their proper position, I Institute the Sacrament of Ordination to distinguish and mark some of its members by a special degree of holiness and place them above the other faithful as fit ministers of the Sacraments and as My chosen priests. Although they derive all their powers from Me, I nevertheless wish that it should flow from Me through one of their number, who shall be My Vicar and the Chief, representing My Person and act as My high priest. Into his keeping I deposit the keys of heaven and him all upon earth shall obey. "
"For the further perfection of My Church I also establish the last of the Sacraments, Matrimony, to sanctify the natural union of man and wife for the propagation of the human race. "
"Thus shall all the grades of My Church be enriched and adorned by My infinite merits. This, eternal Father, is My last will, whereby I make all the mortals inheritors of My merits in the great storehouse of grace, My new Church."
Read: Volume III Book II Chapter XI
Then the Master of life, leaving the band of eight Apostles at that place and taking with Him saint Peter, saint John, and saint James, retired to another place, where they could neither be seen nor heard by the rest (Mark 14, 33). Being with the three Apostles He raised His eyes up to the eternal Father confessing and praising Him as was His custom; while interiorly He prayed in fulfillment of the prophecy of Zacharias, permitting death to approach the most innocent of men and commanding the sword of Divine justice to be unsheathed over the Shepherd and descend upon the Godman with all its deathly force.
In this prayer Christ our Lord offered Himself anew to the eternal Father in satisfaction of His justice for the rescue of the human race; and He gave consent, that all the torments of His Passion and Death be let loose over that part of His human being, which was capable of suffering. From that moment He suspended and restrained whatever consolation or relief would otherwise overflow from the impassible to the passible part of His being, so that in this dereliction His passion and sufferings might reach the highest degree possible. The eternal Father granted these petitions and approved this total sacrifice of the sacred humanity.
The Lord permitted this sorrow to reach the highest degree both naturally and miraculously possible in His sacred humanity. This sorrow penetrated not only all the lower faculties of His human life in so far as His natural appetites were concerned; but also all the highest faculties of His body and soul, by which He perceived the inscrutable judgments and decrees of the Divine justice, and the reprobation of so many, for whom He was to die. This was indeed by far the greater source of His sorrow, as we shall see farther on. He did not say that He was sorrowful on account of His death, but unto death; for the sorrow naturally arising from the repugnance to the death He was about to undergo, was a minor fear. The sacrifice of His natural life, besides being necessary for our Redemption, was also demanded as a return for the joy of having in His human body experienced the glory of the Transfiguration. glorious as of the sorrowful mystery. This they themselves now understood, being informed thereof by an especial enlightenment.
..The Lord separated Himself a short distance from the three Apostles. He threw Himself with His Divine face upon the ground and prayed to the eternal Father: "Father, if it is possible, let this chalice pass from Me" (Matth. 26, 38).
This prayer Christ our Lord uttered, though He had come down from heaven with the express purpose of really suffering and dying for men; though He had counted as naught the shame of His Passion, had willingly embraced it and rejected all human consolation; though He was hastening with most ardent love into the jaws of death, to affronts, sorrows and afflictions; though He had set such a high price upon men, that He determined to redeem them at the shedding of His lifeblood.
Jesus treated with the eternal Father about an affair, which was by far the most important of all, namely, in how far the Redemption gained by His Passion and Death should affect the hidden predestination of the saints. In this prayer Christ offered, on His part, to the eternal Father His torments, His precious blood and His Death for all men as an abundant price for all the mortals and for each one of the human born till that time and yet to be born to the end of the world; and, on the part of mankind, He presented the infidelity, ingratitude and contempt with which sinful man was to respond to His frightful Passion and Death; He presented also the loss which He was to sustain from those who would not profit by His clemency and condemn themselves to eternal woe. Though to die for His friends and for the predestined was pleasing to Him and longingly desired by our Savior; yet to die for the reprobate was indeed bitter and painful; for with regard to them the impelling motive for accepting the pains of death was wanting.
This sorrow was what the Lord called a 'chalice', for the Hebrews were accustomed to use this word for signifying anything that implied great labor and pain. This chalice then was so bitter for Christ our Lord, because He knew that His drinking it would not only be without fruit for the reprobate, but would be a scandal to them and redound to their greater chastisement and pain on account of their despising it (I Cor. 1, 23).
I understood therefore that in this prayer Christ besought His Father to let this chalice of dying for the reprobate pass from Him. Since now His Death was not to be evaded, He asked that none, if possible, should be lost; He pleaded, that as His Redemption would be superabundant for all, that therefore it should be applied to all in such a way as to make all, if possible, profit by it in an efficacious manner.
This agony of Christ our Savior grew in proportion to the greatness of His charity and the certainty of His knowledge, that men would persist in neglecting to profit by His Passion and Death (Luke 22, 44). His agony increased to such an extent, that great drops of bloody sweat were pressed from Him, which flowed to the very earth. Although this prayer was uttered subject to a condition and failed in regard to the reprobate who fell under this condition; yet He gained thereby a greater abundance and secured a greater frequency of favors for mortals.
Through it the blessings were multiplied for those who placed no obstacles, the fruits of the Redemption were applied to the saints and to the just more abundantly, and many gifts and graces, of which the reprobates made themselves unworthy, were diverted to the elect. The human will of Christ, conforming itself to that of the Divinity, then accepted suffering for each respectively: for the reprobate, as sufficient to procure them the necessary help, if they would make use of its merits, and for the predestined, as an efficacious means, of which they would avail themselves to secure their salvation by cooperating with grace. Thus was set in order, and as it were realized, the salvation of the mystical body of His holy Church, of which Christ the Lord was the Creator and Head.
Read: Volume III Book II Chapter XII
During prayer our blessed Master Jesus sometimes assumed a kneeling posture, sometimes He was prostrate in the form of a cross or at other times raised in the air in this same position which He loved so much.
In the presence of his Mother He was wont to pray: "0 most blessed Cross! When shall thy arms receive Mine, when shall I rest on thee and when shall My arms, nailed to thine, be spread to welcome all sinners? (Matth. 9, 13). But as I came from heaven for no other purpose than to invite them to imitate Me and associate with Me, they are even now and forever open to embrace and enrich all men. Come then, all ye that are blind, to the light. Come ye poor, to the treasures of My grace. Come, ye little ones, to the caresses and delights of your true Father. Come, ye afflicted and worn out ones, for I will relieve and refresh you (Matth. 11, 28). Come, ye just, since you are My possession and inheritance. Come all ye children of Adam, for I call upon you all. I AM the way, the truth and the life (13, 6), and I will deny nothing that you desire to receive. My eternal Father, they are the works of Thy hands, do not despise them; for I will offer Myself as a sacrifice on the Cross, in order to restore them to justice and freedom. If they be but willing I will lead them back to the bosom of Thy elect and to their heavenly kingdom, where Thy name shall be glorified."
At all these prayers the beloved Mother was present, and in her purest soul, as in the purest crystal, the light of the Onlybegotten was reflected. His interior and exterior prayers reechoed in Her, causing Her to imitate his petitions and prayers in the same postures.
Lucifer and his satellites strained all their power and malice, lashing themselves into fury against the superior strength which they soon found in Christ our Lord. Yet our Savior tempered all his actions with divine wisdom and goodness, and in justice and equity concealed the secret source of His infinite power, exhibiting just so much as would suffice to prove Him to be a man so far advanced in holiness as to be able to gain these victories against the infernal foes.
In order to begin the battle as man, He directed a prayer to the eternal Father from His inmost soul, to which the intelligence of the demon could not penetrate, saying: "My Father and eternal God, I now enter into battle with the enemy in order to crush his power and humble his pride and his malice against my beloved souls. For Thy glory and for the benefit of souls I submit to the daring presumption of Lucifer. I wish thereby to crush his head in order that when mortals are attacked by his temptations without their fault, they may find his arrogance already broken. I beseech Thee, my Father, to remember My battle and victory in favor of mortals assailed by the common enemy. Strengthen their weakness through My triumph, let them obtain victory; let them be encouraged by My example, and let them learn from Me how to resist and overcome their enemies."
Vol3 Bk1 Chap21
Of the prayers of Christ our Lord on this occasion I will record as far as I can the following one:
"My eternal Father, in compliance with Thy will I gladly haste to satisfy Thy justice by suffering even unto death. Thus shall I reconcile to Thee all the children of Adam, paying their debts and opening to them the gates of heaven which have been closed against them. I shall seek those who have turned away and lost themselves, so that they may be restored by the force of My love. I shall find and gather together the lost of the house of Jacob (Is. 56,8), raise up the fallen, enrich the poor, refresh the thirsty, cast down the haughty and exalt the humble. I wish to vanquish hell and enhance the glories of the triumph over Lucifer (I John 3, 8), and over the vices which he has sown into the world. I wish to raise up the standard of the Cross, beneath which virtue, and all those that put themselves under its protection, are to fight their battles. I wish to satiate My heart with insults and affronts, which are so estimable in Thy eyes. I wish to humiliate Myself even to death at the hands of Mv enemies, in order that our chosen friends may be consoled in their tribulations and that they may be honored by high rewards, whenever they choose to humiliate themselves in suffering the same persecutions. 0 beloved Cross! When shalt thou receive Me in thy arms? 0 sweet ignominies and affronts! When shalt thou bear Me on to overcome death through the sufferings of My entirely guiltless flesh? Ye pains, affronts, ignominies, scourges, thorns, torments, death, come to Me, who wish to embrace you, yield yourselves to My welcome, since I well understand your value. If the world abhors you, I long for you. If the world, in its ignorance, despises you, I, who am truth and wisdom, love and embrace you. Come then to Me, for in welcoming you as man, I exalt you as the true God and am ready to efface the touch of sin from you and from all that will embrace you. Come to Me, ye pains, and disappoint Me not; heed not My Omnipotence, for I shall permit you to exert your full force upon My humanity. You shall not be rejected and abhorred by Me as you are by mortals. The deceitful fascination of the children of Adam in vainly judging the poor and the afflicted of this world as unhappy, shall now disappear; for if they see their true God, their Creator, Master and Father, suffering horrible insults, scourging’s, the ignominious torment and destitution of the Cross, they will understand their error and esteem it as an honor to follow their crucified God." (Vol3 Bk2 Chap6)
On the sabbath following the anointment of Magdalen in Bethany and after the banquet mentioned in the preceding chapter, our divine Master sought retirement. The most blessed Mother, leaving Judas to his hardheartedness, betook Herself to her divine Son, and, as was her wont, joined Him in His prayers and sacred exercises. Our Lord was now about to enter upon the greatest conflict in His career as man, having, as David says (Ps. 18, 7), reached out from highest heaven in order to engage in this battle and by it to vanquish the demon, sin and death.
As this most Obedient of sons accepted freely the torments of the Cross, He now, at their approach, offered Himself anew to the eternal Father. Prostrate, with His face touching the ground, He confessed Him and adored Him, with deepest resignation beseeching Him to accept the insults and pains, ignominies and death of the Cross for His own glory and for the rescue of the human race. The most blessed Mother had retired to one side of the oratory, accompanying her beloved Son and Lord in His prayers and shedding with Him tears of inmost affection.
On this occasion, before the hour of midnight, the eternal Father and the Holy Ghost appeared in visible form with multitudes of angels as witnesses. The eternal Father accepted the sacrifice of Christ, His most blessed Son, and formally consented that the rigor of His justice should be satisfied upon His Person for the pardon of the world. Then the eternal Father, addressing the blessed Mother herself, said: "Mary, our Daughter and Spouse, I desire that thou now again ratify this sacrifice of Thy Son, since I on my part am willing to deliver Him up for the Redemption of man." And the humble and sincerest Dove replied: "Behold, O Lord, I am but dust and ashes, unworthy that Thy Onlybegotten and the Redeemer of the world should also be my Son. But I hold myself entirely subject to Thy ineffable condescension, which has given Him being in my womb, and I offer Him and myself entirely as a sacrifice to Thy Divine pleasure, I beseech Thee, 0 Lord God and Father, to permit me to suffer with Thy and my Son." The eternal Father received this subjection of most holy Mary as a pleasing sacrifice. Raising up from the ground both the Son and the Mother, He said: "This is the fruit of the blessed earth, which I have desired." Immediately thereupon He exalted the humanity of Christ to the throne of His Majesty, and placed Him on His right hand equal in authority and preeminence with Himself.
The blessed Mother remained in the place where She was, but entirely transformed and exalted in wonderful splendor and jubilee of soul. On seeing her Onlybegotten seated at the right hand of the eternal Father, She pronounced those first words of the one hundred and tenth psalm, in which David had mysteriously prophesied this event: "The Lord said unto my Lord: “Sit Thou at My right hand." Expatiating upon these words the heavenly Queen composed a mysterious hymn of praise in honor of the eternal Father and of the incarnate Word.
When She had finished, the Father added all the rest of the psalm, decreeing then and there by His immutable will, that all the import of these mysterious and profound words should now be executed and fulfilled.
It is very difficult for me to mold into the inadequate words which are within my power, the intelligence which was given me of this high mystery; but I will make an attempt to do so, as far as the Lord will empower me. Let something of this hidden and wonderful sacrament, and of that which most holy Mary and the angelic spirits understood, be felt also by ourselves.
The eternal Father then proceeded and said: "Until I make Thy enemies Thy footstool." “Since Thou hast humiliated Thyself in accordance with My eternal will, Thou hast merited that Thou be exalted above all the creatures; and that, in the very nature of man which Thou hast received from Me, Thou reign at My right hand forever and ever without end. For all eternity I place Thy enemies under Thy feet and dominion, subject to Thy humanity as their God and Redeemer; so that those who will not obey Thee or acknowledge Thee, shall see Thy humanity exalted and glorified. Although I do not put this decree into full execution until the Redemption of man shall have been accomplished, I desire that even now my courtiers shall witness what both the demons and mankind shall see afterwards; I place Thee in possession at My right hand at the very moment in which Thou hast humiliated Thyself to the ignominious death of the Cross. If I now deliver Thee over to Thy enemies and to the workings of their malice, it is done for My glory and good pleasure, and in order that afterwards they may be placed beneath Thy feet to their entire confusion.”
"The Lord will send forth the sceptre of Thy power out of Sion: rule Thou in the midst of Thy enemies." “For I, the omnipotent God, who AM He that is truly and indeed, control and send forth the invincible scepter of My power; so that afterwards, when Thou shalt have triumphed over death by completing the Redemption of the human race, they may recognize Thee as their Savior, their Guide, their Leader and as the Lord of all; but I desire even now, before Thou sufferest death, and at the very moment when men are plotting Thy ruin in their contempt of Thee, that Thou triumph in a wonderful manner. I ordain that Thou triumph both over their malice and over their death; and that by the very power of Thy virtue they be compelled to honor Thee, confess Thee, adore and worship Thee of their own free will; that the demons be vanquished and confounded by the strength of Thy own virtue, that the prophets and the just, who are waiting for Thee in limbo, together with My heavenly spirits, recognize Thy wonderful exaltation according to My good will and pleasure.”
"With Thee is the principality in the day of Thy strength: in the brightness of the saints: from the womb before the daystar I begot Thee." “On the day of this Thy strength and power, by which Thou triumphest over Thy enemies, I AM in Thee and with Thee as the Beginning. From this source, by the eternal fecundity of My intellect, Thou didst issue forth before the light of grace by which We decreed to manifest Ourselves to creatures, and from this Beginning didst Thou come forth, clothed in the light of glory, by which the saints are rejoiced and beatified. And also in as far as Thou art man, Thy beginning is with Thee and Thou was engendered in the day of Thy virtue; for from the instant in which Thou hast received human existence by temporal generation from Thy mother, Thou didst possess the merit of the works, which is with Thee now, and Thou didst deserve the glory and honor by which Thy virtue is to crown Thee on this day and in the days of My eternity.”
"The Lord hath sworn, and He will not repent: Thou art a priest forever according to the order of Melchisedech." “I, who AM the Lord God Almighty, able to fulfill all My promises, absolutely decree, as by an immutable oath, that Thou be the Highpriest of the new Church and of the evangelical law, according to the order of Melchisedech of old; for Thou shalt be the true Priest, who shall offer the bread and wine prefigured by the oblation of Melchisedech (Gen. 14, 18). And I shall not regret this decree; for this oblation shall be pure and acceptable, and a sacrifice of praise in My honor.
"The Lord at Thy right hand hath broken kings in the day of His wrath." “ This shalt Thou do by the works of Thy humanity, assisted by the right hand of Thy Divinity in the fullness of its strength. By Thy humanity, I who AM one God with Thee, shall crush the tyranny of the princes of darkness and of this world, as well the apostate angels as also wicked men, who will not acknowledge, serve and adore Thee as their Lord and God. This chastisement I will inflict at a time when neither Lucifer nor his followers shall yet know Thee, and it shall be for them the day of my wrath. Afterwards that day will also come for those men who have not received Thee nor followed Thy holy law. All of them shall I crush and humiliate in My just indignation.”
"He shall judge among nations, He shall fill with ruins; He shall crush the heads in the land of many." “Having then justified My cause with all the children of Adam, who have not profited of Thy mercy in graciously redeeming them from sin and from eternal death, I, the Lord, shall judge according to My equity and justice all the nations; and choosing the just from the midst of the sinners and the reprobate, I shall fill up the ruined places of the apostate angels, who have not preserved for themselves their habitations in the reign of grace. At the same time I shall crush upon earth the multitudes of those men who, by their own obstinate and depraved will, persist in their pride.”
"He shall drink of the torrent in the way: therefore He shall lift up his head." “Thy head shall be raised up by the Lord God of vengeance Himself, in order that Thou mayest judge the earth and justly deal with the proud. As if Thou hadst drunk of the torrent of His wrath, Thou shalt dip Thy arrows in the blood of Thy enemies and, with the sword of His chastisement, Thou shalt confound them in their expectation of happiness. Thus shall Thy head be lifted up and exalted above all Thy enemies, who are disobedient to the law and faithless to Thy doctrines and teachings. For this shall be Thy just reward for Thy having drunk of the torrent of reproaches and affronts even to the death of the Cross for their Redemption.”
Such and much deeper understanding was given to most holy Mary concerning this mysterious psalm, which the eternal Father repeated on this occasion. Although some of the verses are quoted as of another person, yet they all referred to Himself and to the incarnate Word. The mysteries contained therein may be reduced to two principal heads: threats against sinners, infidels, and wicked Christians, because they do not acknowledge the Redeemer of the world or observe His laws; and promises of the eternal Father to His incarnate Son, that He will glorify His name and exalt it in spite of and above all His enemies. As if in pledge or advance payment of the universal exaltation of Christ after His Ascension, and especially at the final judgment, the Father decreed that the inhabitants of Jerusalem should meet Him with great applause and honor at His entrance into Jerusalem on the day following this mysterious vision. Thereupon the Father and the Holy Ghost, with the holy angels, that wonderingly had assisted at this great sacrament, disappeared, while Christ and His blessed Mother remained to spend the rest of that blessed night in divine colloquies. (Vol 3 Bk1 Chap 7)
On this occasion the Redeemer composed a new canticle by which He exalted the eternal Father for having in His Son fulfilled the figures of the old Law and for thus advancing the glory of His holy name. Prostrate upon the earth, He humiliated himself in His humanity before God, confessing, adoring and praising the Divinity as infinitely superior to His humanity. Then addressing the eternal Father, He gave vent to the burning affection of His heart in the following sublime prayer.
"My eternal Father and infinite God, Thy Divine and eternal will resolved to create this My human nature in order that I may be the head of all those that are predestined for Thy glory and happiness and who are to attain their true blessedness by availing themselves of My works.
For this purpose, and in order to redeem them from the fall of Adam, I have lived with them thirty-three years. Now, My Lord and Father, the opportune and acceptable hour for fulfilling Thy eternal will has arrived, the greatness of Thy holy name is about to be revealed to men and Thy incomprehensible Divinity, through holy faith, is to be made known and exalted among all nations. It is time that the seven sealed book be opened as Thou hast commissioned Me to do, and that the figures of old come to a happy solution (Apoc. 5, 7).
The ancient sacrifices of animals, which prefigured the one I am now voluntarily to make of Myself for the children of Adam, for the members of My mystical body, for the sheep of Thy flock, must now come to an end, and I beseech Thee in this hour to look down with an eye of mercy. If in the past Thy anger has been placated by these ancient figures and sacrifices which I am now about to abrogate, let it now, My Father, be entirely extinguished, since I am ready to offer Myself in voluntary sacrifice to die for men on the Cross and give Myself as a holocaust of My love (Eph. 5,2).
Therefore, Lord, let the rigor of Thy justice be relaxed and look upon the human race with eyes of mercy. Let Us institute a new law for men, by which they may throw down the bars of their disobedience and open for themselves the gates of heaven. Let them now find a free road and open portals for entering with Me upon the vision of Thy Divinity, as many of them as will follow My footsteps and obey My law."
The eternal Father graciously received this prayer of our Redeemer and sent innumerable hosts of His angelic courtiers to assist at the wonderful works, which Christ was to perform in that place.
Read: Volume III Book II Chapter X
This is the prayer of Christ our Savior on the Cross to His eternal Father. It was sealed and deposited in the heart of the most holy Mary as the mysterious and sacramental testament, in order that through Her intercession and solicitous care it might at its time, and even from that moment, be executed in the Church, just as it had before this time been prepared and perfected by the wise providence of God, in whom all the past and the future is always one with the present.
When the holy wood of the Cross had been raised on mount Calvary, bearing aloft with it the incarnate Word crucified before speaking any of the seven words, Christ prayed interiorly to His heavenly Father and said: "My Father and eternal God, I confess and magnify Thee from this tree of the Cross, and I offer Thee a sacrifice of praise in My Passion and Death; for, by the hypostatic union with the Divine nature, Thou hast raised My humanity to the highest dignity, that of Christ, the Godman, anointed with Thy own Divinity. I confess Thee on account of the plenitude of the highest possible graces and glory, which from the first instant of My Incarnation Thou hast communicated to My humanity, and because from all eternity up to this present hour Thou hast consigned to Me full dominion of the universe both in the order of grace and of nature. Thou hast made Me the Lord of the heavens and of the elements (Matth. 28, 18), of the sun, the moon and the stars; of fire and air, of the earth and the sea, of all the animate and inanimate creatures therein; Thou hast made Me the disposer of the seasons, of the days and nights, with full lordship and possession according to My free will, and Thou hast set Me as the Head, the King and Lord of all angels and men (Ephes, 1,21), to govern and command them, to punish the wicked and to reward the good (John 5, 22); Thou hast given Me the dominion and power of disposing all things from highest heavens to deepest abysses of hell (Apoc. 20, 1). Thou hast placed in My hands the eternal justification of men, the empires, kingdoms and principalities, the great and the little, the rich and the poor; and of all that are capable of Thy grace and glory, Thou hast made Me the Justifier, the Redeemer and Glorifier, the universal Lord of all the human race, of life and death, of the holy Church, its treasures, laws and blessings of grace: all hast Thou, My Father, consigned to My hands, subjected to My will and My decrees, and for this I confess, exalt and magnify Thy holy name."
"Now, at this moment, My Lord and eternal Father, when I am returning from this world to Thy right hand through this death on the Cross, by which I completed the task of the Redemption of men assigned to Me, I desire that this same Cross shall be the tribunal of Our justice and mercy. Nailed to it, I desire to judge those for whom I give My life. Having justified My cause, I wish to dispense the treasures of My coming into the world and of My Passion and Death to the just and the reprobate according as each one merits by his works of love or hatred. I have sought to gain all mortals and invited them to partake of My friendship and grace; from the first moment of My Incarnation I have ceaselessly labored for them; I have borne inconveniences, fatigues, insults, ignominies, reproaches, scourges, a crown of thorns, and now suffer the bitter death of the Cross; I have implored Thy vast kindness upon all of them; I have watched in prayer, fasted and wandered about teaching them the way of eternal life. As far as in Me lay I have sought to secure eternal happiness for all men, just as I merited it for all, without excluding anyone. I have established and built up the law of grace and have firmly and forever established the Church in which all human beings can be saved."
"But in Our knowledge and foresight We are aware, My God and Father, that on account of their malice and rebellious obstinacy not all men desire to accept Our eternal salvation, nor avail themselves of Our mercy and of the way I have opened to them by My labors, life and death; but that many will prefer to follow their sinful ways unto perdition. Thou art just, my Lord and Father, and most equitable are Thy judgments (Ps. 68, 137); and therefore it is right, since Thou hast made Me the Judge of the living and the dead, of the good and the bad (Act 10, 3), that I give to the good the reward of having served and followed Me, and to sinners the chastisement of their perverse obstinacy; that the just should share in My goods, and the wicked be deprived of the inheritance, which they refuse to accept. "
"Now then, My eternal Father, in My and Thy name and for Thy glorification, I make My last bequest according to My human will, which is conformable to Thy eternal and Divine will. First shall be mentioned My most pure Mother, who gave Me human existence; Her I constitute My sole and universal heiress of all the gifts of nature, of grace and of glory that are Mine. She shall be Mistress and Possessor of them all. The gifts of grace, of which as a mere creature she is capable, She shall actually receive now, while those of glory I promise to confer upon her in their time. I desire that she shall be Mistress of angels and men, claim over them full possession and dominion and command the service and obedience of all. "
"The demons shall fear Her and be subject to Her. All the irrational creatures, the heavens, the stars, the planets, the elements with all the living beings, the birds, the fishes and the animals contained in them, shall likewise be subject to her and acknowledge her as Mistress, exalting and glorifying Her with Me. I wish also that she be the Treasurer and Dispenser of all the goods in heaven and on earth. Whatever she ordains and disposes in my Church for My children, the sons of men, shall be confirmed by the three Divine Persons; and whatever she shall ask for mortals now, afterwards and forever, We shall concede according to her will and wishes;"
"To the holy angels, who have obeyed Thy holy and just will, I assign as habitation the highest heavens as their proper and eternal abode, and with it the joys of eternal vision and fruition of our Divinity. I desire that they enjoy its everlasting possession together with Our company and friendship. I decree, that they recognize my Mother as their legitimate Queen and Lady, that they serve Her, accompany and attend upon her, bear her up in their hands in all places and times, obeying her in all that she wishes to ordain and command. "
"The demons, rebellious to our perfect and holy will, I cast out and deprive of Our vision and company; again do I condemn them to our abhorrence, to eternal loss of Our friendship and glory, to privation of the vision of My Mother, of the saints and of My friends, the just. I appoint and assign to them as their eternal dwelling the place most remote from our royal throne, namely the infernal caverns, the center of the earth, deprived of light and full of the horrors of sensible darkness (Jude 6) . I decree this to be their portion and inheritance, as chosen by them in their pride and obstinacy against the Divine Being and decrees. In those eternal dungeons of darkness they shall be tormented by everlasting and inextinguishable fire."
"From the multitudes of men, in the fullness of My good will, I call, select and separate all the just and the predestined, who through My grace save themselves by imitating me, doing My will and obeying My holy law. These, next to My most pure Mother, I appoint as the inheritors of all My mysteries, My blessings, My sacramental treasures, of the mysteries concealed in the holy Scriptures; of My humility, meekness of heart; of the virtues of faith, hope, and charity; of prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance; of My Divine gifts and favors; of My Cross, labors, contempt, poverty and nakedness. This shall be their portion and inheritance in this present and mortal life. Since they must choose these in order to labor profitably, I assign to them the trials I have chosen for Myself in this life, as a pledge of My friendship, in order that they may undergo them with joy. I offer them My protection and defense, My holy inspirations, My favors and powerful assistance, My blessings and My justification, according to each one's disposition and degree of love. I promise to be to them a father, a brother and a friend, and they shall be My chosen and beloved children, and as such I appoint them as the inheritors of all My merits and treasures without limitation. I desire that all who dispose themselves, shall partake of the goods of My holy Church and of the Sacraments; that, if they should lose My friendship, they shall be able to restore themselves and recover My graces and blessings through My cleansing blood. For all of them shall be open the intercession of My Mother and of the saints, and she shall recognize them as Her children, shielding them and holding them as Her own. My angels shall defend them, guide them, protect them and bear them up in their hands lest they stumble, and if they fall, they shall help them to rise" (Ps. 90, 11, 12).
"Likewise it is My will that My just and chosen ones shall stand high above the reprobate and the demons, that they shall be feared and obeyed by My enemies; that all the rational and irrational creatures shall serve them; that all the influences of the heavens, the planets and the stars shall favor them and give them life; that the earth, its elements and animals, shall sustain them; all the creatures, that are Mine and serve Me, shall be theirs, and shall serve also them as My children and friends (I Cor. 3, 22; Wis. 16, 24), and their blessing shall be in the dew of heaven and in the fruits of the earth (Genes. 27, 28). I wish to hold with them My delights (Pros. 8, 31), communicate to them My secrets, converse with them intimately and live with them in the militant Church in the species of bread and wine, as an earnest and an infallible pledge of the eternal happiness and glory promised to them; of it, I make them partakers and heirs, in order that they may enjoy it with Me in heaven by perpetual right and in unfailing beatitude."
"I consent that the foreknown and reprobate (though they were created for another and much higher end), shall be permitted to possess as their portion and inheritance the concupiscence of the flesh and the eyes (John 1, 216), pride in all its effects; that they eat and be satisfied with the dust of the earth, namely, with riches; with the fumes and the corruption of the flesh and its delights, and with the vanity and presumption of the world. For such possessions have they labored, and applied all the diligence of their mind and body; in such occupations have they consumed their powers, their gifts and blessings bestowed upon them by us, and they have of their own free will chosen deceit, despising the truth I have taught them in the holy law (Rom. 2, 8). They have rejected the law which I have written in their hearts and the one inspired by my grace; they have despised my teachings and my blessings, and listened to my and their own enemies; they have accepted their deceits, have loved vanity (Ps. 4, 3), wrought injustice, followed their ambitions, sought their delight in vengeance, persecuted the poor, humiliated the just, mocked the simple and the innocent, strove to exalt themselves and desired to be raised above all the cedars of Lebanon in following the laws of injustice" (Ps. 36, 35).
"Since they have done all this in opposition to Our Divine goodness and remained obstinate in their malice, and since they have renounced the rights of sonship merited for them by Me, I disinherit them of My friendship and glory. Just as Abraham separated the children of the slave, setting aside some possessions for them and reserving the principal heritage for Isaac, the son of the freedwoman Sarah (Gen. 25, 5), thus I set aside their claims on My inheritance by giving them the transitory goods, which they themselves have chosen. Separating them from Our company and from that of My Mother, of the angels and saints, I condemn them to the eternal dungeons and the fire of hell in the company of Lucifer and his demons, whom they have freely served, I deprive them forever of all hope of relief. "
"This is, O My Father, the sentence which I pronounce as the Head and the Judge of men and angels (Eph. 4, 15; Col. 2, 10), and this is the testament made at My death, this is the effect of My Redemption, whereby each one is rewarded with that which he has justly merited according to his works and according to Thy incomprehensible wisdom in the equity of Thy strictest justice" (II Tim. 4, 8).
I offer Myself in sacrifice to Thy Divine will for the vanquishing and crushing of the infernal powers and of their malicious counsels against My creatures..
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