Life History of Blessed Mary with Divine Hidden Mysteries
Communicated to
Venerable Sr. Mary of Agreda
Signed in as:
Communicated to
Venerable Sr. Mary of Agreda
The Lord God Almighty tells Venerable Sr. Mary of Agreda to write down the history of the Virgin Mother of God with Her assistance and the Holy Spirit
".. when I sent My Onlybegotten, the world, with the exception of the few souls that served Me, was in worse condition than it ever had been since its beginning; for human nature is so imperfect that if it does not subject itself to the interior guidance of My light and to the fulfillment of the precepts of My ministers by sacrificing its own judgment and following Me, who am the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14,6), and by carefully observing My commandments in order not to lose My friendship, it will presently fall into the abyss of darkness and innumerable miseries, until it arrives at obstinacy in sin.
In fatherly love I sent them eternal salvation and a remedy for the incurable infirmities of human nature, thus justifying My cause.
And just as I then chose the opportune time for the greater manifestation of My mercy, so I now select this time for showing toward them another great favor.
I wish to give them a light by which they can dispel the gloom that envelops the eyes of their minds; I wish to furnish them a suitable remedy for restoring them to My grace.
I desire to make known to mortals how much intercession of Her is worth, who brought restoration of life by giving mortal existence to the immortal God.
I wish to make known to them much of that, which according to My high judgment is still hidden concerning the Mother of the Word.
I have not revealed these mysteries in the primitive Church, because they are so great, that the faithful would have been lost in the contemplation and admiration of them at a time when it was more necessary to establish firmly the law of grace and of the Gospel.
Although all mysteries of religion are in perfect harmony with each other, yet human ignorance might have suffered recoil and doubt at their magnitude, when faith in the Incarnation and Redemption and the precepts of the new law of the Gospel were yet in their beginnings.
On this same account the person of the Incarnate Word said to His disciples at the last supper: "Many things have I to say to you; but you are not yet disposed to receive them" (John 6, 12).
But now, mankind has greater need for this manifestation, and this necessity urges Me to disregard their evil disposition.
And if men would now seek to please Me by reverencing, believing, and studying the wonders, which are intimately connected with this Mother of Piety, and if they would all begin to solicit Her intercession from their whole heart, the world would find some relief.
I will no longer withhold from men this Mystical City of Refuge; describe and delineate it to them, as far as thy shortcomings allow.
I do not intend that thy descriptions and declarations of the life of the Blessed Virgin shall be mere opinions or contemplations, but reliable truth.
They that have ears to hear, let them hear. Let those who thirst come to the Living Waters and leave the dried-out cisterns; let those that are seeking for the Light, follow it to the end, thus speaks the Lord God Almighty."
Read: Volume I Book I Chapter I
Blessed Mary communicates with Sr. Mary of Agreda:
"..In the course of the centuries some mysteries pertaining to me have been made plain; but the plenitude of light has been given to thee, who art a poor and insignificant creature; and this has been done on account of the necessities and unhappy state of the world. God in His kindness wishes to offer this opportune remedy to men, in order that all of them may seek help and eternal salvation through my intercession.."
Read: Volume III Book II Chapter XXVIII
When I (Blessed Mary) brought to heaven the happy soul of Saint James, the Eternal Father spoke to me in the hearing of all the Blessed: "My Daughter and Dove, chosen for My acceptation from all the creatures, let My courtiers, angels and saints understand that, for the exaltation of My Holy Name, for thy glory and for the benefit of mortals, I now give thee My Royal Word, that if men, in the hour of their death invoke thee and call upon thee with affection in imitation of my servant James, soliciting thy intercession with Me, I will bend to them in clemency and look upon them with eyes of Fatherly mercy; I will defend and guard them against the dangers of that last hour; I will ward off the cruel enemies that seek the perdition of souls in that hour; I will furnish them through thee with great helps for resisting these enemies and gaining grace, if they wish to avail themselves of this help; and thou shall present to Me their souls to be rewarded by My liberal hands."
My daughter, first of all I wish to enlighten thee concerning certain doubts of thy heart regarding the exalted and extraordinary mysteries of this history. Two misgivings have disturbed thy interior: first, whether thou who knows thyself to be such an insignificant, useless and ignorant woman, art a fit instrument for recording these mysteries; whether it would not be better to let some other person, more learned and perfect in virtue, write them and thus give them more authority; since thou art the least of all, the most useless and ignorant.
Secondly, whether these mysteries, which are so extraordinary and never heard of, especially the frequent beatific and intuitive visions of the Divinity during my life, shall ever find credit among those who read of them.
To thy first doubt I answer, that in truth thou art the least and most useless of all; since thou hast heard it from the mouth of the Lord and I confirm it. But remember that belief in this history and in all that it contains, does not depend on the instrument, but on its Author, who is the highest truth, and upon the contents of thy writing; and in this regard not even the highest seraph could add thereto, nor canst thou diminish or omit anything.
That an angel should write this history is not befitting; and if he should, the unbelievers and the sluggish of heart will nevertheless find occasion to slander him. It is necessary that the instrument be a human person; but it was not proper that this person be the most learned or wise; for then this work might be ascribed to his knowledge and thus occasion the danger of having the divine light esteemed no higher, or even lower, than human knowledge, or it might be attributed entirely to human forethought and industry.
It is more to the glory of God, that this person should be a woman, who can rely neither on her own knowledge, nor her own industry. I likewise take special pleasure and honor from the fact that thou art this instrument; because thou (and all others) will know, that there is nothing of thy own in this history and that thou must not attribute more to thyself than to the pen with which thou writes, since thou art but the instrument in the hands of the Lord and the repeater of my words. And, as thou art such, so insignificant and sinful, thou wilt not be disturbed in seeing mortals refuse to believe; since, in disbelieving what thou writes, they will not do any wrong to thee, but by their unbelief fail in proper reverence for my words.
Although thy faults and shortcomings are many, they can all be neutralized by the charity and kindness of the Lord, who has not looked for any other instrument of this work, but has raised thee from the dust and manifested in thee His liberal power. He has communicated His doctrine by one in whom the power of His truth would appear more plainly; and hence I desire that thou follow it up in thy conduct and reach the perfection thou desires.
In answer to the second misgiving and anxiety, whether the greatness of these mysteries will not prevent belief in what thou writes, I have said many things in the course of this history. Those that take care to attain a worthy concept and appreciation of me, will find no difficulty in believing me; for they will understand the relation and proportion of my privileges to the dignity of Mother of God. They will understand that God's works are perfect; and if anyone begins to doubt in these matters, it is certain that he does not know what God is, or what I am.
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All of the written content found on this website has been transferred from the actual public domain document "The Mystical City of God" communicated to Venerable Sr. Mary of Agreda. No personal opinions have been added. All audio recordings are also from the public domain provided by LibriVox hosted for listening by archive.org. We have however taken the liberty to add brief headings and introductions to make them easier for all God's children to discover them using the internet search. Please share this website with everyone as a gift for their salvation and the greater glory of God. ~Blessings
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